Free Membership Stack

You need a plan to develop and test a membership site.

Use one Browser with one email to access your wordpress site as admin.

Each user account you create should be associate with one and only one email and to test things like persistent login, you need to use these accounts in a separate browser.

Example Develop and Test Setup

WordPress Site "TheMemberShip"

Machine 1

Browser Chrome
user TheAdmin

Browser Firefox
user Member1

Browser Edge
user Member2

Browser Brave
user Member3

Machine 2

Other Admin Type roles (Editor)

Other Admin Type roles (Author)

test bad emails etc



  • s2Member
  • Delete Me
  • Persistent Login
  • WordPress Users & WooCommerce Customers Import Export(BASIC)
  • Email Users

and the native WordPress user capabilities are the core Membership system

  • Register
  • Login
  • Logout
  • Lost Password retrieval
  • Update profile
  • Email Users
  • Generate Lists of users for other systems


s2Member Framework:  a WordPress plugin, allows users to sign up - will receive emails etc when admins send them, free version

The s2Member system is built on top of the WordPress User system.

When someone joins this site, they are classified as a WordPress Site Subscriber, which does not allow them any access to the WordPress development system, but does keep them in a list and makes it easy for the management to send them emails.

We have built a self select feature in the S2 Framework that allows folks who sign up to self identify as either a

  • Member
  • Student
  • Follower Non member

All of these categories have the WordPress privilege of subscriber, which on this site is free. It is possible to limit access to the site to Subscribers, however, it is not currently set up that way. In some cases you may want to send emails to one of the self selected categories above, or all of them.

The WordPress System allows administrators to grant the ability to write and edit their own posts to "Authors", to edit Posts, to 'Editors' and to change anything to 'Administrators'.
In order to do this, and administrator has to grant that access.

Most the of the user administration can be done with the Users tab from the WordPress Dashboard. The free S2member plugin is very powerful and allows for paid subscriptions and different levels of access to the sites content, if desired.  These advanced functions are not implemented in this test system.

s2Member has features that will allow you to notify members when new content is added.

Other Plugins

Email Users: create nice emails for users of the site

WordPress Users & WooCommerce Customers Import Export(BASIC) ( shows as Import Export Users for the free version when installing plugins)

Import Export WordPress Users

Delete Me - allows users to unsubscribe
Persistent Login - keep users logged in for one year